Dec. 7, 2023 @ 7 PM
Community Center
24900 Abalone Street
Westport, CA

Updated: 11-4-2023

Coastal Trail Plan

The WMAC assisted the Coastal Land Trust and Mendocino Council of Governments in developing a plan for a continuous 21-mile section of non-motorized Coastal Trail between Usal Road and the Ten Mile bridge on the west side of Highway 1 (see this vicinity map). The study was funded with a community-based transportation planning grant awarded by Caltrans and sponsored with a 10% cash match by MCOG and a 10% in-kind contribution by the WMAC. The plan sought input from diverse public, nonprofit, and government stakeholders to develop a shared vision for a trail and prioritize which sections are most important to build first. About 75% of the trail is proposed in the Caltrans right of way, while the remainder will meander west of the highway where public lands and easements exist. The next steps are to initiate specific projects and procure some easements where existing right of way is presently indadequate. If you are interested in assisting with those next steps, please contact the WMAC.

Westport Trail Plan with Appendix A (low resolution, 9 mb file)
Appendices B-F (low resolution, 11mb file)

Bicycle Survey

Efforts to gather information about current bicycle use, preferences for bike path design, concerns, and desirable ammentities took place from June 1 to September 30, 2010 with a voluntary survey. The WMAC built a survey kiosk with generous donations of materials by the California Department of Parks and Recreation and the Westport Village Society, a local nonprofit land trust. A total of 407 survey forms were completed and returned to the kiosk, Westport Communiyt Store, and Fort Bragg Bicycle Shop. The results of that survey are analyzed in this document. Bicycle survey data are also analyzed in the Trail Plan.